Announcements for the week of February 4, 2018
ASH WEDNESDAY is this Wednesday. The Ash Wednesday Service is a Holy Communion Service that begins at 7:00pm. Imposition of Ashes is offered between the public confession and absolution. “From dust we came and to dust we will return” (Genesis 3:19) in anticipation of the Absolution in Christ.
JOEL’S ELDER GROUP - WOULD YOU LIKE PASTOR TO VISIT? Please let me or Joel know. For those not in Joel’s elder group, I am still available to meet with you, too. My hope with a faster rotation is that visits and the care of your souls outside Sunday mornings will be a little more deliberate. I have explained this more in the February Newsletter Also, feel free to stop in during scheduled Office Hours as well, which are Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:00 - 6:00pm. Thank you and God bless you. Pastor Pautz
LWML will be serving the ASH WEDNESDAY LENTEN MEAL of various casseroles, salads, vegetables and desserts beginning at 5:30 pm on Wed. The freewill offering will given to the Domestic Violence Center of Muscatine.
DIRECT OFFERING Some of you have asked again what are the ways in which you may give your offerings. The offering envelope given during the offering in the church service. Some mail in envelopes. Some stop in during the week to give an offering or ask me to put it in the offering plate during visits. Also, you may give a single or ongoing offering through Direct Offering.
THE FEBRUARY LWML MEETING will be this Thursday, February 15th at 7:00 pm. Judy Yates, from the Domestic Violence Center will be our guest speaker. All ladies of the Congregation are invited to attend. Our hostess and bible study leader is Becky Ernst and Wendi Ingram provided our February bulletin display.
THRIVENT CHOICE - Remember Our Savior Lutheran Church in your annual Thrivent Choice distributions. Click here for the Thrivent website. Thank you.
Organist Joel Hirschfeld Organist Mary Francis
Elder Group Joel Hirschfeld Elder Group Aaron Eversmeyer
Acolyte Mallory Bruhn Acolyte Zarah Stoltzfus
Greeters John & Mary Francis Greeters Darren & Angie Banko
(50 Days Before Easter)
Sunday, February 11th at 9:00am & Monday, February 12th at 6:00pm
Service 151 Introit in bulletin
Hymns 702, 849, 645, 756, 644, 643, 797, 744
08:00am Individual Absolution
09:00am Divine Service
10:30am Sunday School
01:00pm Sunnybrook Bible study
02:00pm Homebound Visits
04:00pm Office Hours
06:00pm Divine Service
07:00pm Investment Committee Meeting
09:00am Pastor at Circuit Meeting in Burlington, IA til 2pm
06:30am Men’s Bible Study
09:00am Matins Service
09:30am Women’s Bible Study
04:00pm Office Hours
05:30pm Lenten Meal
06:00pm Catechism Classes
06:00pm Choir Practice
07:00pm Ash Wed. Service
07:00pm LWML Meeting
08:00am Individual Absolution
09:00am Divine Service
10:30am Sunday School
+Salem Osland (Darin’s wife) hip surgery +Juliette (John & Carolyn Yeater’s great-granddaughter) heart surgery +Isabella Valenzuela (Jerry & Peggy Hart’s granddaughter) bone marrow transplant +John Francis (Mary’s husband) treatment +Tom Van Hemert (Liz’s husband) seminary student - contact information is located in the Narthex +Lucille Wingerter - homebound +Marvin (Bud) Plank - homebound +Lillian Graf - homebound during the winter months.