What Should I Do During The Lord’s Supper
Lord’s Supper (also called Holy Communion)
Please talk to our pastor before the service if you would like to receive the Lord's Supper.
The pastor will say yes:
If you are baptized, and
If you agree that the bread is also Christ's body for you to eat, and
If you agree that the wine is also Christ's blood for you to drink, and
If you are a member of a Lutheran Church Missouri Synod congregation, and
If you have not been asked by your home pastor to refrain from the Lord's Supper for any reason.
Otherwise the pastor will ask you to wait.
Baptismal Blessing
If you are not communing for any reason but are baptized, you are invited to come forward to the altar rail with the people in your pew and receive a blessing.
The pastor will place his hand on your head and say, "The Lord bless you by keeping you in His Holy Baptism".