Weekly Announcements
(The Last Sunday in Epiphany)
Sunday, January 21st at 9:00am & Monday, January 22nd at 6:00pm
Service 151 Introit in bulletin
Hymns 414, 413, 621, 537, 416, 575, 417, 919
08:00am Individual Absolution
09:00am Divine Service
10:30am Sunday School
11:30am Potluck
01:00pm Sunnybrook Bible study
02:00pm Homebound Visits
04:00pm Office Hours
06:00pm Divine Service
07:00pm Voters’ Meeting
06:30am Men’s Bible Study
09:00am Matins Service
09:30am Women’s Bible Study
04:00pm Office Hours
06:15pm Weekday School
06:30pm Choir Practice
08:00am Individual Absolution
09:00am Divine Service
10:30am Sunday School
+Salem Osland (Darin’s wife) hip surgery +Charlie Bishop (Karen’s dad) hospitalized in St. Louis with the flu +Juliette (John & Carolyn Yeater’s great-granddaughter) heart surgery +Isabella Valenzuela (Jerry & Peggy Hart’s granddaughter) bone marrow transplant +John Francis (Mary’s husband) treatment +Tom Van Hemert (Liz’s husband) seminary student - contact information is located in the Narthex +Lucille Wingerter - homebound +Marvin (Bud) Plank - homebound.
THE BIG LWML MITE BOX is located as you leave the sanctuary today. Thank you for supporting LWML mission projects with your mites!
THE GREETER PROGRAM for Our Savior for the 2018 year has been organized and put in membership boxes. Thank you for your willingness to greet current and new members on your assigned Sunday. Please take a minute to read over the instructions for being a greeter and your assigned dates which you can add to your calendar at home as a reminder. Pastor will post in the bulletin each week who the current week’s greeters are and who will be the following Sunday. The monthly newsletter calendar will also have the list of that months greeters printed. If you have any questions or would like to greet and are not on this list please contact Karen Schaub. Thank you!
NEW VISITATION SCHEDULE After discussing this briefly with the Elders, I will start organizing my visits in coordination with Elder Groups. For example, this week John Buttke is assisting with communion, so I will focus on the members of John’s group. However, I will meet with anyone as needs arrive. My hope is that visits and the care of your souls outside Sunday mornings, will be a little more deliberate. I will explain this more in the February Newsletter and in Bible studies. Also, feel free to stop in during scheduled Office Hours as well. Thank you and God bless you. Pastor Pautz
THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to the Adult Bible Study collection over the last few years. A list posted in the entryway shows past recipients and how much they received. Again, thank you to everyone who contributed.
WEEKLY UPDATES by email is available. If you would like your name added or removed, please contact Pastor Pautz and let him know. Also, updates are available by Liking and Following the church’s Facebook Page at: https://www.facebook.com/oursaviorlutheranmuscatine/
Organist Mary Francis
Elder Group John Buttke
Acolyte Zara Stoltzfus
Flowers Will Hirschfeld
Greeters Allan & Katie Ball